#Business #WordPress#Blog 1,000 views in first month

Wow, the power of social media. 1 month ago I decided to try an experiment to see what impact a Blog can make to your social media influence. Today I achieved my 1,000th view in 30 days. It has not only grown my visibility and social media influence with WordPress, but has grown my Twitter followers by nearly 600 in the same period, +30%! My YouTube videos have reached nearly 300 in the same period. Google+ followers have gone from 0 to 70 people in the same period.
It is astonishing what a combined sustained period of networking can do. AND it is FUN!
Thank you to my followers. Please keep supporting me with our fight to keep Enterprise Advisers, without your support we will close down.
You are all stars!
As always, Geoff Reeves, based at FYCreatives, Blackpool, 01253477147

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